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Cryosleep Dreams Featured On Ultima Thule Radio

Cryosleep Dreams featured on Ultima Thule RadioI’m really pleased to see that Ultima Thule radio recently featured my ambient space music album Cryosleep Dreams on their wonderful show.

For those who don’t know, Ultima Thule is a well-respected and long-running specialist ambient radio show based in Australia and also available to stream online at (or get the podcast on iTunes).

You can hear several tracks from Cryosleep Dreams in episode 1087 along with other tracks from ambient masters Steve Roach, Erik Wollo and others. Many thanks to show host Mike G (who also runs for featuring my music on the show and for the kind words.

Cryosleep Dreams: A gorgeous deep album of electronic space music.”

Mike G (Ultima Thule ambient radio)

Cryosleep Dreams is available as an mp3 download here on the site as well as from iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Bandcamp and other online music stores.

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Super Blue Blood Moon Video Featuring My Music

I’ve been getting a few emails from people about a video currently on Facebook which uses my music. The video (see above) is from Hashem Al-Ghaili‘s excellent Science & Nature Page and it currently has around 27 million views. It’s a video explaining the upcoming Super Blue Blood Moon on January 31st 2018 and the track of mine is called Theory Of Time.

Unfortunately it’s only available on my Royalty Free Music Vol.3 collection here on my website:

I say ‘unfortunately’ because the download also includes an unlimited license to use all the music from the album in your own personal or commercial videos, therefore it’s priced at £39.99 which I realise is lot more than ‘regular’ albums that people might generally buy!

So sorry but it’s not available on Spotify or anywhere else just to buy/listen to that one track, but thanks to everyone who has contacted me about it and enjoy the Super Blue Blood Moon!

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Dakotalapse Time Lapse Teaser Video Featuring Nebula Drift

Some teaser clips from the new upcoming Dakotalapse time lapse film Horizons. The video above features my ambient space music track Nebula Drift. The extended cut which is available for download from Dakotalapse features a specially written 30 minute long ambient music track of mine called Frozen White Light.

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Music Composed For Full Length Dakotalapse Time Lapse Film Horizons

Horizons Full Length Dakotalapse Time Lapse Film With Soundtrack Composed By Simon WilkinsonI’ve just finished composing the music soundtrack to the new full length Dakotalapse time lapse film Horizons by Randy Halverson.

Horizons is a stunning 31 minute film of time lapse photography shot mostly in South Dakota and also at Devils Tower in Wyoming. You can buy a download of the full length film featuring my track in stunning HD from the link below.

The music I custom composed for the film is a continuous 30 minute atmospheric ambient music track called Frozen White Light which is available to buy and license for use in your own films, documentaries and YouTube videos over in my online shop.

There’s a trailer for the full length film with music by Bear McCreary here or you can buy the full length 30 minute film with my soundtrack over on

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Android Puzzle App ‘Binary Challenge’ Features My Ambient Space Music

Binary Challenge game featuring my ambient space music

Here’s a cool new puzzler app for Android devices that features some of my ambient space music to help keep you focused while playing! Binary Challenge is a techy brain-game with a cool hi-tech look where you have to solve binary and hex numerical challenges. One for the more scientifically-minded!

It’s a free download from the Google Play store and comes from the awesome team at Increatly. Give it a try at the following link or just search for Binary Challenge on the Play store:

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Dakotalapse Full Length Time Lapse ‘Trails End’ Featuring My Music

Trails End - 4K Ultra HD

This is the latest time lapse film from photographer Randy Halverson at called Trails End. It’s a video compilation of some of Randy’s best time lapse photography from 2014.

The main music used in the clip above isn’t mine (although the intro/ending title music is my track Lightscape from my Royalty Free Vol.8 Collection) but he also has a full length version that runs to 30+ minutes long which features my music throughout the entire video.

I have to say that the photography in the 30 minute feature is absolutely mesmerizing and I’m honoured that my music is featured in this beautiful film. It’s well worth 30 minutes of your time to see some of the incredible photography in this video. You can download the full version shot in 4k Ultra HD from Randy’s website here:

Randy has also used lots more of my music in his previous time lapse video work which you can see here on my site.

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The Hoia-Baciu Forest – Aerial Photography Video From GVT Media

Here’s a wonderful new video featuring some great aerial photography from Cosmin Giurgiu at GVT Media. Shot in the beautiful Transylvania region of Romania, The Hoia-Baciu Forest features beautiful aerial footage of the stunning landscape accompanied by my music track Shadowland.

The Hoia-Baciu Forest – Truth or Legend is the first professional travel documentary ever made in Romania about this place. It will be a 30 minute movie with two trailers. The documentary will be released at the end of 2016, on the days of Saturnalia (mid December). The two trailers will be released in February and May 2016, in order to promote the documentary and raise part of the money needed for the production.”

Cosmin is a professional videographer, editor, documentary producer and photographer from Romania and you can license his aerial footage and other videos for use in your projects. Check out more of his work here:

You can also contact Cosmin directly with any questions here:

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My Music On Crime & Investigation Network: When Life Means Life

When Life Means Life - Anthony Arkwright Monday 9PM

On Monday 9th April, a new 6-part TV series begins in the UK on the Crime & Investigation Network which features my music throughout the 6 episodes. When Life Means Life focuses on some of Britain’s most dangerous and depraved criminals who have committed such extreme crimes that they will never be freed from prison.

Episode 1 (see short clip above) will be shown on Monday 9th April at 9pm on the Crime & Investigation Network which is available to Sky viewers on channels 553 & 555 or on Virgin channel 237. You can see some more online previews of the series all featuring my music on the Crime & Investigation Network website here:

Update: after Episode 1 on serial killer Anthony Arkwright, Virginmedia’s TV review page commented on “…its startling, horror film soundtrack” -- job done!

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Richard Pryor: Icon Documentary Features My Music


I’m extremely honoured to have some of my music featured in this hour long PBS documentary about the legendary comedian Richard Pryor. The show is available on the PBS Network.

“On this all new episode of :ICON, we delve into the life and legacy of Richard Pryor — how he came up through the brothels of Peoria, Illinois, performed on the Ed Sullivan Show, got banned by the networks, and became embroiled in a pattern of self-destruction that threatened his life.”

PBS Network

More details on the PBS website here: